Animal Ethics promotes respect for nonhuman animals through outreach, research, and education. We support and research interventions to improve the lives of animals in the wild, such as vaccinations and helping animals in natural disasters. We explore how future technologies will enable us to avoid catastrophic risks and ways technology can be used to help wild animals on a large scale.
Our vision is a world where all sentient beings are given moral consideration.
Below you can see the summaries of our work in previous years:
We provide detailed information about the lives of nonhuman animals and the arguments to defend them. In addition, we do outreach work aimed not at stopping particular ways in which animals are harmed (which other organizations are already addressing), but at achieving a shift in attitudes towards speciesism.
Our work deals with the way nonhuman animals are considered in everyday life, as well as how they are considered in fields that affect human attitudes and activities that are relevant to animals. These include academia, scientific fields, and the law. We look at the way nonhuman animals are impacted by current human activities, and how they might be impacted by future planned or unplanned human activities. This involves not only the ways we might harm them, but also how we might help them even when the cause of their plight is not human action.
The field of animal ethics deals with why we should take nonhuman animals into consideration in our moral decisions, and the ways in which we should. This has tremendously relevant practical consequences. Many people currently have little regard for nonhuman animals. But more often, people give some consideration to the interests of animals, but still have a discriminatory attitude towards them. We can morally consider someone but still discriminate against them in a way that harms them. We can also discriminate against them in ways that don’t harm them at all, such as by helping some individuals more than we help others for reasons that are unfair. Animal ethics as a field addresses these questions, and we contribute to this work and make it accessible to the public.
Olaia Freiría, Leah McKelvie
Daniel Dorado
Research and Academic Outreach
Oscar Horta
Outreach in English and Asian Languages
Aditya S.K.
Outreach in Spanish
Olaia Freiría
Outreach in Portuguese
Luciano Cunha
Online Outreach
Sara Lago
Digital Content
Indira Nimer
Alba G. Bernal
Rithika Ramesh
Eva Yoe