Wild Animal Suffering Advocacy Workshop

Wild Animal Suffering Advocacy Workshop

5 Apr 2021

Are you involved in animal advocacy and want to include wild animal issues in your outreach? Are you interested in the question of wild animal suffering and would like to learn more about it? Do you think this is an important issue but are uncertain what can be done about it?

Or, if you would like to do research about wild animal suffering, do you wonder what questions have high priority in the cause area right now?

If you have questions like these, we would like to invite you to a workshop organized by Animal Ethics. This is an excellent opportunity to increase your knowledge and expand your advocacy skills in wild animal suffering work. It will also be an opportunity to connect with other people interested or already involved in this field. The workshop will be based on the materials of our wild animal suffering video course.

Participants in the workshop are encouraged to be familiar with the course materials, which are available in different formats:

· Course videos on YouTube

· Audio versions

· Companion ebook to the course

The workshop will be structured similarly to a reading group. Animal Ethics moderators will first present a summary of the contents of the video course module and follow with a Q & A to clarify any issues or questions you have. Then there will be a series of discussions based on the topics of each module.

The workshop will be divided into three different sessions and take place on Saturdays to make it as easy as possible for you to attend at least one and perhaps all three sessions.

 Each session will cover one of the three modules of the course. The sessions will take place on the following dates:

· April 24: Module 1. Wild animal suffering and ways of helping wild animals (units 1-11 of the course)

· May 8: Module 2. Ethics and animals (units 12-18)

· June 5: Module 3. Academic work to help wild animals (units 19-26)

Each session will last for two hours and include a 15-minute break after the first hour.

 The sessions will begin at the following times:

· 9:00 North America Pacific Time

· 12:00 North America Eastern Time

· 16:00 UTC

· 17:00 UK

· 18:00 Central European Time

· 21:30 India

 If you want to participate, please register here.

This same workshop will be held soon in Spanish.

We hope to see you all at the workshop!