Animals used for food bibliography

Animals used for food bibliography


Alverson D. L.; Freeberg, M. K.; Murawski, S. A. & Pope, J. G. (1996 [1994]) A global assessment of fisheries bycatch and discards, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [accessed on 22 July 2014].

Ashley, P. J. & Sneddon, L. U. (2007) “Pain and fear in fish”, in Branson, E. J. (ed.) Fish welfare, Oxford: Blackwell, ch. 4.

Braithwaite, V. (2004) Do fish feel pain?, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Braithwaite, V. A. & Huntingford, F. A. (2004) “Fish and welfare: Do fish have the capacity for pain perception and suffering?”, Animal Welfare, 13, pp. 87-92.

Brothers, N. P. (1991) “Albatross mortality and associated bait loss in the Japanese longline fishery in the southern ocean”, Biological Conservation, 55, pp. 255-268.

Caswell, H.; Brault, S.; Read, A. J. & Smith, T. D. (1998) “Harbour porpoise and fisheries: An uncertain analysis of incidental mortality”, Ecological Applications, 8, pp. 1226-1238.

Catchpole, T. L.; Frid, C. L. J. & Gray, T. S. (2005) “Discards in North sea fisheries: Causes, consequences and solutions”, Marine Policy, 29, pp. 421-430.

Chandroo, K. P.; Duncan, I. J. H. & Moccia, R. D. (2004) “Can fish suffer?: Perspectives on sentience, pain, fear and stress”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 86, pp. 225-250.

Chandroo, K. P.; Yue, S. & Moccia, R. D. (2004) “An evaluation of current perspectives on consciousness and pain in fishes”, Fish and Fisheries, 5, pp. 281-295.

Demaster, D. J.; Fowler, C. W.; Perry, S. L. & Richlen, M. E. (2001) “Predation and competition: The impact of fisheries on marine mammal populations over the next one hundred years”, Journal of Mammology, 82, pp. 641-651.

Dunlop, R. & Laming, P. (2005) “Mechanoreceptive and nociceptive responses in the central nervous system of goldfish (Carassius auratus) and trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)”, The Journal of Pain, 6, pp. 561-568.

Elwood, R. W. (2011) “Pain and suffering in invertebrates?”, ILAR Journal, 52, pp. 175-184.

Elwood, R. W. & Adams, L. (2015) “Electric shock causes physiological stress responses in shore crabs, consistent with prediction of pain”, Biology Letters, 11 (11) [accessed on 13 November 2015].

Erickson, H. S. (2003) “Information resources on fish welfare: 1970-2003”, Beltsville: U. S. Department of Agriculture [accessed on 13 April 2013].

Fitzgerald, K. T. (2013) “Longline fishing (how what you don’t know can hurt you)”, Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, 28, pp. 151-162.

Gabriel, O. & von Brandt, A. (2005) Fish catching methods of the world, Oxford: Blackwell.

Gilman, E.; Brothers, N.; McPherson, G. & Dalzell, P. (2006) “A review of cetacean interactions with longline gear”, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 8, pp. 215-223.

Hall, M. A. (1996) “On bycatches”, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 6, pp. 319-352.

List, C. J. (1997) “On angling as an act of cruelty”, Environmental Ethics, 19, pp. 333-334.

Machin, K. L. (1999) “Amphibian pain and analgesia”, Journal of Zoo and Wildlife, 30, pp. 2-10.

Mather, J. A. (2001) “Animal suffering: An invertebrate perspective”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 4, pp. 151-156.

Mather, J. A. & Anderson, R. C. (2007) “Ethics and invertebrates: A cephalopod perspective”, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 75, pp. 119-129.

Mazeaud, M. M.; Mazeaud, F. & Donaldson, E. M. (1977) “Primary and secondary effects of stress in fish: Some new data with a general review”, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 106, pp. 201-212.

Morizur, Y.; Berrow, S. D.; Tregenza, N. J. C.; Couperus, A. S. & Pouvreau, S. (1999) “Incidental catches of marine-mammals in pelagic trawl fisheries of the northeast Atlantic”, Fisheries Research, 41, pp. 297-307.

Parker, C. (2017) “‘Pair trawling’ blamed for death of sea mammals”, Irish Examiner, January 12 [accessed on 20 January 2017].

Pauly, D. & Zeller, D. (2016) “Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining”, Nature Communications, 7 [accessed on 25 January 2016].

Read, A. J.; Drinker, P. & Northridge, S. (2006) “Bycatch of marine mammals in the U.S. and Global Fisheries”, Conservation Biology, 20, pp. 163-169.

Rose, J. D. (2002) “The neurobehavioral nature of fishes and the question of awareness and pain”, Reviews in Fisheries Science, 10, pp. 1-38.

Sneddon, L. U. (2003) “The evidence for pain in fish: The use of morphine as an analgesic”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 83, pp. 153-162.

Sneddon, L. U.; Braithwaite, V. A. & Gentle, M. J. (2003) “Novel object test: Examining nociception and fear in the rainbow trout”, The Journal of Pain, 4, pp. 431-440.

Tacon, A. G. J. & Metian, M. (2009) “Fishing for aquaculture: Nonfood use of small pelagic forage fish, a global perspective”, Reviews in Fisheries Science, 17, pp. 305-317.

Tasker, M. L.; Camphuysen,C. J.; Cooper, J.; Garthe, S.; Montevecchi, W. & Blaber, S. (2000) “The impacts of fishing on marine birds”, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57, pp. 531-547.

Wade, P. R. (1998) “Calculating limits to the allowable human-caused mortality of cetaceans and pinnipeds”, Marine Mammal Science, 14, pp. 1-37.

Wall, A. J. (2001) “Ethical considerations in the handling and slaughter of farmed fish”, in Kestin, S. C. & Warriss, P. D. (eds.) Farmed fish quality, Oxford: Fishing News, pp. 108-115.

Zerbini, A. N. & Kotas, J. E. (1998) “A note on cetacean bycatch in pelagic driftnetting off Southern Brazil”, Report of the International Whaling Commission, 48, pp. 519-524.

Fish farming

Acerete, L.; Balasch, J. C.; Espinosa, E.; Josa, A. & Tort, L. (2004) “Physiological responses in Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) subjected to stress by transport and handling”, Aquaculture, 237, pp. 167-178.

Alanara, A. & Brannas, E. (1996) “Dominance in demand-feeding behaviour in Arctic charr and rainbow trout: The effect of stocking density”, Journal of Fish Biology, 48, pp. 242-254.

Alanara, A.; Winberg, S.; Brannas, E.; Kiessling, A.; Hoglund, E. & Elofsson, U. (1998) “Feeding behaviour, brain serotonergic activity levels, and energy reserves of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) within a dominance hierarchy”, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76, pp. 212-220.

Andrew, J. E.; Holm, J.; Kadri, S. & Huntingford, F. A. (2004) “The effect of competition on the feeding efficiency and feed handling behaviour in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) held in tanks”, Aquaculture, 232, pp. 317-331.

Andrew, J. E.; Noble, C.; Kadri, S.; Jewell, H. & Huntingford, F. A. (2002) “The effects of demand feeding on swimming speed and feeding responses in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L. and European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L. in sea cages”, Aquaculture Research, 33, pp. 501-507.

Arends, R. J.; Mancera, J. M.; Munoz, J. L.; Bonga, S. E. W. & Flik, G. (1999) “The stress response of the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) to air exposure and confinement”, Journal of Endocrinology, 163, pp. 149-157.

Ashley, P. J. (2007) “Fish welfare: Current issues in aquaculture”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 104, pp. 199-235.

Bandeen, J. & Leatherland, J. F. (1997) “Transportation and handling stress of white suckers raised in cages”, Aquaculture International, 5, pp. 385-396.

Baras, E. & Jobling, M. (2002) “Dynamics of intracohort cannibalism in cultured fish”, Aquaculture Research, 33, pp. 461-479.

Barton, B. A. (2000a) “Salmonid fishes differ in their cortisol and glucose responses to handling and transport stress”, North American Journal of Aquaculture, 62, pp. 12-18.

Barton, B. A. (2000b) “Stress in fishes: A diversity of responses”, American Zoologist, 40, pp. 937-1937.

Barton, B. A.; Ribas, L.; Acerete, L. & Tort, L. (2005) “Effects of chronic confinement on physiological responses of juvenile gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L., to acute handling”, Aquaculture Research, 36, pp. 172-179.

Barton, B. A.; Schreck, C. B. & Barton, L. D. (1987) “Effects of chronic cortisol administration and daily acute stress on growth, physiological conditions, and stress responses in juvenile rainbow trout”, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 2, pp. 173-185.

Bell, A.; Bron, J.; Turnbull, J. F.; Adams, C. E. & Huntingford F. A. (2002) “Factors influencing the welfare of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in commercial marine cages”, Research in Veterinary Science, 72 (Suppl. A), pp. 7-8.

Bostock, J.; McAndrew, B.; Richards, R.; Jauncey, K.; Telfer, T.; Lorenzen, K.; Little, D.; Ross, L.; Handisyde, N.; Gatward, I. & Corner, R. (2010) “Aquaculture: Global status and trends”, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365, pp. 2897-2912.

Borgatti, R. & Buck, E. H. (2004) Open ocean aquaculture: CRS report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, Washington: Library of Congress.

Chandroo, K. P.; Cooke, S. J.; McKinley, R. S. & Moccia, R. D. (2005) “Use of electromyogram telemetry to assess the behavioural and energetic responses of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) to transportation stress”, Aquaculture Research, 36, pp. 1226-1238.

Chandroo, K. P.; Yue, S. & Moccia, R. D. (2004) “An evaluation of current perspectives on consciousness and pain in fishes”, Fish and Fisheries, 5, pp. 281-295.

Chiua, A.; Lib, L.; Guob, S.; Baib, J.; Fedora, C. & Naylora, R. L. (2013) “Feed and fishmeal use in the production of carp and tilapia in China”, Aquaculture, 414-415, pp. 127-134.

Conte, F. S. (2004) “Stress and the welfare of cultured fish”, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 86, pp. 205-223.

Contreras-Sanchez, W. M.; Schreck, C. B.; Fitzpatrick, M. S. & Pereira, C. B. (1998) “Effects of stress on the reproductive performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)”, Biology of Reproduction, 58, pp. 439-447.

Cutts, C. J.; Metcalfe, N. B. & Taylor, A. C. (2002) “Fish may fight rather than feed in a novel environment: Metabolic rate and feeding motivation in juvenile Atlantic salmon”, Journal of Fish Biology, 61, pp. 1540-1548.

Davis, K. B.; Griffin, B. R. & Gray, W. L. (2002) “Effect of handling stress on susceptibility of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and channel catfish virus infection”, Aquaculture, 214, pp. 55-66 [accessed on 30 April 2014].

De Silva, S. S. & Turchini, G. M. (2008) “Towards understanding the impacts of the pet food industry on world fish and seafood supplies”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 21, pp. 459-467.

Devlin, R. H.; d’Andrade, M.; Uh, M. & Biagi, C. A. (2004) “Population effects of growth hormone transgenic coho salmon depend on food availability and genotype by environment interactions”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101, pp. 9303-9308.

Einen, O.; Waagan, B. & Thomassen, M. S. (1998) “Starvation prior to slaughter in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): I. Effects on weight loss, body shape, slaughter- and fillet-yield, proximate and fatty acid composition”, Aquaculture, 166, pp. 85-104.

Ejike, C. & Schreck, C. B. (1980) “Stress and social hierarchy rank in coho salmon”, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 109, pp. 423-426.

Ellis, T.; North, B.; Scott, A. P.; Bromage, N. R. & Porter, M. (2001) “What is stocking density”, Trout News, 32, pp. 35-37.

Ellis, T.; North, B.; Scott, A. P.; Bromage, N. R.; Porter, M. & Gadd, D. (2002) “The relationships between stocking density and welfare in farmed rainbow trout”, Journal of Fish Biology, 61, pp. 493-531.

Erikson, U.; Gansel, L.; Frank, K.; Svendsen, E. & Digre, H. (2016) “Crowding of Atlantic salmon in net-pen before slaughter”, Aquaculture, 465, pp. 395-400.

Erikson, U.; Sigholt, T. & Seland, A. (1997) “Handling stress and water quality during live transportation and slaughter of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)”, Aquaculture, 149, pp. 243-252.

Esteve, C. & Alcaide, E. (2009) “Influence of diseases on the wild eel stock: The case of Albufera Lake”, Aquaculture, 289, pp. 143-149.

Ewing, R. D. & Ewing, S. K. (1995) “Review of the effects of rearing density on the survival to adulthood for Pacific salmon”, Progressive Fish-Culturist, 57, pp. 1-25.

Fernö, A.; Huse, I.; Juell, J. E. & Bjordal, A. (1995) “Vertical distribution of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in net pens: Trade-off between surface light avoidance and food attraction”, Aquaculture, 132, pp. 285-296.

Fjelldal, P. G.; & Hansen, T.; Breck, O.; Ørnsrud, R.; Lock, E.-J.; Waagbø, R.; Wargelius, A. & Eckhard Witten, P. (2012) “Vertebral deformities in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) – etiology and pathology”, Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28, pp. 433-440.

Folkvord, A. & Otteråb, H. (1993) “Effects of initial size distribution, day length, and feeding frequency on growth, survival, and cannibalism in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)”, Aquaculture, 114, pp. 243-260.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2021) “Statistics – introduction”, Fisheries Division [accessed on 1 October 2021].

Ginés, R.; Palicio, M.; Zamorano, M. J.; Argüello, A.; López, J. L. & Afonso, J. M. (2002) “Starvation before slaughtering as a tool to keep freshness attributes in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)”, Aquaculture International, 10, pp. 379-389.

Gornati, R.; Papis, E.; Rimoldi, S.; Terova, G.; Saroglia, M. & Bernardini, G. (2004) “Rearing density influences the expression of stress-related genes in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)”, Gene, 341, pp. 111-118.

Greaves, K. & Tuene, S. (2001) “The form and context of aggressive behaviour in farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)”, Aquaculture, 193, pp. 139-147.

Griffin, B. R.; Davis, K. B. & Schlenk, D. (1999) “Effect of simulated copper sulphate on stress indicators in channel catfish”, Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 11, pp. 231-236.

Griffin, B. R.; Davis, K. B.; Darwish, A. & Straus, D. L. (2002) “Effect of exposure to potassium permanganate on stress indicators in channel catfish”, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 33, pp. 1-9.

Hart, P. J. B. (1993) “Teleost foraging: Facts and theories”, in Pitcher, T. J. (ed.) Behaviour of teleost fishes, 2nd ed., London: Chapman & Hall, pp. 253-284.

Håstein, T. (2004) “Animal welfare issues relating to aquaculture”, in World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Global Conference on Animal Welfare: An OIE Initiative. Proceedings, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, pp. 219-231 [accessed on 17 May 2013].

Huntingford, F. A.; Adams, C.; Braithwaite, V. A.; Kadri, S.; Pottinger, T. G.; Sandøe, P. & Turnbull, J. F. (2006) “Current issues in fish welfare”, Journal of Fish Biology, 68, pp. 332-372.

Johnson, S. C.; Treasurer, J. W.; Bravo, S.; Nagasawa, K. & Kabata, Z. (2004) “A review of the impact of parasitic copepods on marine aquaculture”, Zoological Studies, 43, pp. 229-243.

Iguchi, K.; Ogawa, K.; Nagae, M. & Ito, F. (2003) “The influence of rearing density on stress response and disease susceptibility of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis)”, Aquaculture, 220, pp. 515-523.

Iversen, M.; Finstad, B.; McKinley, R. S.; Eliassen, R. A.; Carlsen, K. T. & Evjen, T. (2005) “Stress responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts during commercial well boat transports, and effects on survival after transfer to sea”, Aquaculture, 243, pp. 373-382.

Iversen, M.; Finstad, B. & Nilssen, K. J. (1998) “Recovery from loading and transport stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts”, Aquaculture, 168, pp. 387-394.

Juell, J. E.; Oppedal, F.; Boxaspen, K. & Taranger, G. L. (2003) “Submerged light increases swimming depth and reduces fish density of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in production cages”, Aquaculture Research, 34, pp. 469-477.

Katavić, I. & Jug-dujaković, J. (1989) “Cannibalism as a factor affecting the survival”, Aquaculture, 77, pp. 135-143.

Krkošek, M.; Lewis, M. A.; Morton, A.; Frazer, L. N. & Volpe, J. P. (2006) “Epizootics of wild fish induced by farm fish”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, pp. 15506-15510.

Johansen, L. H.; Jensen, I.; Mikkelsen, H.; Bjørn, P. A.; Jansen, P. A. & Bergh, O. (2011) “Disease interaction and pathogens exchange between wild and farmed fish populations with special reference to Norway”, Aquaculture, 315, pp. 167-186.

Montero, D.; Izquierdo, M. S.; Tort, L.; Robaina, L. & Vergara, J. M. (1999) “High stocking density produces crowding stress altering some physiological and biochemical parameters in gilthead seabream, Sparus auratus, juveniles”, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 20, pp. 53-60.

Mood, A. & Brooke, P. (2019) “Estimated numbers of individuals in global aquaculture production (FAO) of fish species (2017)”,, Sep [accessed on 1 October 2021].

Moreau, D. T. R. & Fleming, I. A. (2011) “Enhanced growth reduces precocial male maturation in Atlantic salmon”, Functional Ecology, 26, pp. 399-405.

New, M. B. (2002) Farming freshwater prawns: A manual for the culture of the giant river prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [accessed on 23 February 2013].

Pickering, A. D. (1998) “Stress responses in farmed fish”, in Black, K. D. & Pickering, A. D. (eds.) Biology of farmed fish, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 222-255.

Puvanendran, V. & Brown, J. A. (2002) “Foraging, growth and survival of Atlantic cod larvae reared in different light intensities and photoperiods”, Aquaculture, 214, pp. 131-151.

Robb, D. H. F. & Kestin, S. C. (2002) “Methods used to kill fish: Field observations and literature reviewed”, Animal Welfare, 11, pp. 269-282.

Rose, J. D. (2002) “The neurobehavioural nature of fishes and the question of awareness and pain”, Reviews in Fisheries Science, 10, pp. 1-38.

Rotllant, J. & Tort, L. (1997) “Cortisol and glucose responses after acute stress by net handling in the sparid red porgy previously subjected to crowding stress”, Journal of Fish Biology, 51, pp. 21-28.

Rouger, Y.; Aubin, J.; Breton, B.; Fauconneau, B.; Fostier, A.; Le Bail, P.; Loir, M.; Prunet, P. & Maisse, G. (1998) “Response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to transport stress”, Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture, 350-351, pp. 511-519.

Rijkers, G. T.; Teunissen, A. G.; Van Oosterom, R. & Van Muiswinkel, W. B. (1980) “The immune system of cyprinid fish. The immunosuppressive effect of the antibiotic oxytetracycline in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)”, Aquaculture, 19, pp. 177-189.

Sandodden, R.; Findstad, B. & Iversen, M. (2001) “Transport stress in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Anaesthesia and recovery”, Aquaculture Research, 32, pp. 87-90.

Scott, A. P.; Pinillos, M. & Ellis, T. (2001) “Why measure steroids in fish plasma when you can measure them in water?”, in Goos, H. J. Th.; Rastogi, R. K.; Vaudry, H. & Pierantoni, R. (eds.) Perspectives in comparative endrocrinology: Unity and diversity, Bologna: Monduzzi, pp. 1291-1295.

Skjervold, P. O.: Fjaera, P. B.; Ostby, P. B. & Einen, O. (2001) “Live-chilling and crowding stress before slaughter of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)”, Aquaculture, 192, pp. 267-282.

Sneddon, L. U.; Braithwaite, V. A. & Gentle, M. J. (2003) “Do fishes have nociceptors? Evidence for the evolution of a vertebrate sensory system”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 270, pp. 1115-1121 [accessed on 20 June 2014].

Soderberg, R. W.; Meade, J. W. & Redell, L. A. (1993) “Growth, survival, and food conversion of Atlantic salmon reared at four different densities with common water quality”, The Progressive Fish-Culturist, 55, pp. 29-31.

Southgate, P. & Wall, T. (2001) “Welfare of farmed fish at slaughter”, In Practice, 23, pp. 277-284.

Strangeland, K.; Hoie, S. & Taksdal, T. (1996) “Experimental induction of infectious pancreatic necrosis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) post-smolts”, Journal of Fish Diseases, 19, pp. 323-327.

Szczepkowski, M. & Kolma, R. (2011) “A simple method for collecting sturgeon eggs using a catheter”, Archives of Polish Fisheries, 19, pp. 123-128.

Sørum, U. & Damsgard, B. (2003) “Effects of anaesthetisation and vaccination on feed intake and growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)”, Aquaculture, 232, pp. 333-341.

Tacon, A. G. J. & Metian, M. (2009) “Fishing for aquaculture: Non-food use of small pelagic forage fish – A global perspective”, Reviews in Fisheries Science, 17, pp. 305-317.

Thorburn, M. A.; Teare, G. F.; Martin, S. W. & Moccia, R. D. (2001) “Group-level factors associated with chemotherapeutic treatment regiments in land-based troutfarms in Ontario, Canada”, Preventative Veterinary Medicine, 50, pp. 451-466.

Turnbull, J. F.; Bell, A.; Adams, C. E.; Bron, J. & Huntingford, F. A. (2005) “Stocking density and welfare of cage farmed Atlantic salmon: Application of a multivariate analysis”, Aquaculture, 243, pp. 121-132.

Vazzana, M.; Cammarata, M.; Cooper, E. L. & Parrinello, N. (2002) “Confinement stress in seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) depresses peritoneal leukocyte cytotoxicity”, Aquaculture, 210, pp. 231-243.

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Chickens and hens

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Diseases suffered in fish farms

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Diseases suffered by animals living on land farms

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The journey to the slaughterhouse

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