Animals kept as companions or for leisure bibliography

Animals kept as companions or for leisure bibliography

Dogs, cats and other animals kept as “pets” or companions

American Pet Products Association (2020) “Pet industry market size & ownership statistics”, Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics, American Pet Products Association [accessed on 8 September 2020].

Arman, K. (2007) “A new direction for kennel club regulations and breed standards”, Canadian Veterinary Journal, 48, pp. 953-965.

Bateson, P. (2010) Independent inquiry into dog breeding, Halesworth: Micropress [accessed on 14 April 2013].

Beauvais, W.; Cardwell, J. M. & Brodbelt, D. C. (2012) “The effect of neutering on the risk of mammary tumours in dogs – A systematic review”, Journal of Small Animal Practice, 53, pp. 314-322.

Bouw, J. (1982) “Hip dysplasia and dog breeding”, Veterinary Quarterly, 4, pp. 173-181.

Brooks, D. L & Tillman, P. C. (1983) “Pound seizure will not put an end to cruelty to animals”, California Veterinarian, 37, pp. 73-75.

Chastain, C. B.; Panciera, D. & Waters, C (1998) “Associations between age, parity, hormonal therapy and breed, and pyometra in Finnish dogs”, Veterinary Record, 143, pp. 493-498.

Christiansen, R. (2000) Save our strays: How we can end pet overpopulation and stop killing healthy cats and dogs, Napa: CLC Publishing.

Clancy, E. A. & Rowan, A. N. (2003) “Companion animal demographics in the United States: A historical perspective”, in Salem, D. & Rowan, A. (eds.) State of the animals, Washington, D.C.: Humane Society Press, pp. 129-143.

Crooks, K. R. & Soulé, M. E. (1999) “Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system”, Nature, 400, pp. 563-566.

Dauphiné, N. & Cooper, R. J. (2009) “Impacts of free-ranging domestic cats (Felis Catus) on birds in the United States: A review of recent research with conservation and management recommendations”, in Rich, T. D.; Arizmendi, C.; Demarest, D. W. & Thompson, C. (eds.) Tundra to Tropics: Connecting birds, habitats and people, pp. 205-219.

Ducceschi, L.; Green, N. & Miller-Spiegel, C. (2010) “Dying to learn: The supply and use of companion animals in U.S. colleges and universities”, Alternativen zu Tierexperiment, 27, pp. 304-308 [accessed on 14 March 2021].

Edwards, C. C. (1991) “The pound seizure controversy: a suggested compromise in the use of impounded animals for research and education”, Journal of Energy Natural Resources & Environmental Law, 11, pp. 241-242.

Fumarola, A. J. (1999) “With best friends like us who needs enemies: The phenomenon of the puppy mill, the failure of legal regimes to manage it, and the positive prospects of animal rights”, Buffalo Environmental Law Journal, 253, pp. 264-365.

Gilliam, J. D. (2009) “Fido goes to the lab: Amending the animal welfare act to require animal rescue facilities to disclose pound seizure practices to pet owners”, Journal of Animal Law, 5, pp. 103-128 [accessed on 25 February 2021].

Gobello, C.; Concannon, P. W.; Verstegen, J. & Linde-Forsberg, C. (2000) Recent advances in small animal reproduction, Ithaca: IVIS.

Grellet, A.; Chastant-Maillard, S.; Robin, C.; Feugier, A.; Boogaerts, C.; Boucraut-Baralon, C.; Grandjean, D. & Polack, B. (2014) “Risk factors of weaning diarrhea in puppies housed in breeding kennels”, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 117, pp. 260-265 [accessed on 11 January 2017].

Herrewegh, A. A. P. M.; Mahler, M.; Hedrich, H. J.; Haagmans, B. L.; Egberink, H. F.; Horzinek, M. C.; Rottier, P. J. M. & de Groot, R. J. (1997) “Persistence and evolution of feline coronavirus in a closed cat-breeding colony”, Virology, 234, pp. 349-363.

Hughes, K. L.; Slater, M. R. & Haller, L. (2002) “The effects of implementing a feral cat spay/neuter program in a Florida county animal control service”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 5, pp. 285-298.

Kass, P. H. (2007) “Cat overpopulation in the United States”, Animal Welfare, 3, pp. 119-139.

Kutzler, M. & Wood, A. (2006) “Non-surgical methods of contraception and sterilization”, Theriogenology, 66, pp. 514-525.

Lawrie, M. & Constable, S. (2006) “Community animal welfare scheme a success”, Australian Veterinary Journal, 83, p. 708.

Lepczyk, C. A.; Mertig, A. G. & Jianguo L. (2003) “Landowners and cat predation across rural-to-urban landscapes”, Biological Conservation, 115, pp. 191-201.

Lepper, M.; Kass, P. H. & Hart, L. A. (2002) “Prediction of adoption versus euthanasia among dogs and cats in a california animal shelter”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 5, pp. 29-42.

Levy, J. K.; Gale, D. W. & Gale, L. A. (2003) “Evaluation of the effect of a long-term trap-neuter-return and adoption program on a free-roaming cat population”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 222, pp. 42-46.

Looney, A. L.; Bohling, M. W.; Bushby, P. A.; Howe, L. M.; Griffin, B.; Levy, J. K.; Eddlesone, S. M.; Weedon, J. R.; Appel, L. D.; Rigdon-Brestle, K.; Ferguson, N. J.; Sweeney, D. J.; Tyson, K. A.; Voors, A. H.; White, S. C.; Wilford, C. L.; Farrell, K. A.; Jefferson, E. P.; Moyer, M. R.; Newbury, S. P.; Saxton, M. A. & Scarlett, J. M. (2008) “The Association of Shelter Veterinarians veterinary medical care guidelines for spay-neuter programs”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 233, pp. 74-86 [accessed on 30 November 2014].

Loss, S. R.; Will, T. & Marra, P. P. (2013) “The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States”, Nature Communications, 4 [accessed on 21 May 2013].

Luke, C. (1996) “Animal shelter issues”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association, 208, pp. 524-527.

Manning, A. M. & Rowan, A. N. (1992) “Companion animal demographics and sterilization status: Results from a survey of four Massachusetts towns”, Anthrozoös, 5, pp. 192-201.

Marsh, P. (2004) “The strategy for tomorrow: Solving pet overpopulation”, Animals in Print: The On-Line Newsletter, May 14.

Marsh, P. (2010) Replacing myth with math: Using evidence-based programs to eradicate shelter overpopulation, Concord: Town and Country [accessed on 2 May 2013].

Moulton, C. (1990) “Early spay/neuter: Risks and benefits for shelters”, Shoptalk, 7, pp. 1-6.

Murray, R.W. (1992) “Unwanted pets and subsidised pet neuter schemes”, Australian Veterinary Practitioner, 22, pp. 12-18.

Nasser, R. & Fluke, J. (1991) “Pet population dynamics and community planning for animal welfare and animal control”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association, 198, pp. 1160-1163.

Olson, P. N. & Moulton, C. (1993) “Pet (dog and cat) overpopulation in the United States”, Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Supplement, 47, pp. 433-438.

Olson, P.; Moulton, C.; Nett, T. M. & Salman, M. D. (1991) “Pet overpopulation: A challenge for companion animal veterinarians in the 1990s”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 198, pp. 1151-1152.

Patronek, G. & Glickman, L. (1993) “Development of a model for estimating the size and dynamics of the pet dog population”, Anthrozoös, 7, pp. 25-41.

Patronek, G. J. & Rowan, A. N. (1995) “Determining dog and cat numbers and population dynamics”, Anthrozoös, 8, pp. 199-205.

Phillips, A. (2010) How shelter pets are brokered for experimentation: Understanding pound seizure, Plymouth: Rowman and Littlefield.

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Roberti, D. A. (1983) “The case against pound seizure: Economics and animal welfare”, California Veterinarian, 37, pp. 67-68.

Roetman, P.; Tindle, H.; Litchfield, C.; Chiera, B.; Quinton, G.; Kikillus, H.; Bruce, D. & Kays, R. (2017) Cat Tracker South Australia: Understanding pet cats through citizen science, University of South Australia: Discovery Circle Initiative [accessed on 31 January 2021].

Ruxton, G. D.; Thomas, S. & Wright, J. W. (2002) “Bells reduce predation of wildlife by domestic cats (Felis catus)”, Journal of Zoology, 256, pp. 81-83.

Seymour, C. L.; Simmons, R. E.; Morling, F.; George, S. T.; Peters, K. & O’Riain, M. J. (2020) “Caught on camera: The impacts of urban domestic cats on wild prey in an African city and neighbouring protected areas”, Global Ecology and Conservation, 23, pp. 303-319 [accessed on 17 February 2021].

Stoller, K. P. (1981) “Sewer science and pound seizure”, International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, 2, pp. 241-244.

Thomas, R. L.; Fellowes, M. D. E. & Baker P. J. (2012) “Spatio-temporal variation in predation by urban domestic cats (Felis catus) and the acceptability of possible management actions in the UK”, PLOS ONE, 7 (11) [accessed on 1 August 2013].

Wenstrup, J. & Dowidchuk, A. (1999). “Pet overpopulation: Data and measurement issues in shelters”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2, pp. 303-319.

White, S. C.; Jefferson, E. & Levy, J. K. (2010) “Impact of publicly sponsored neutering programs on animal population dynamics at animal shelters: The New Hampshire and Austin experiences”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 13, pp. 191-212.

Zaunbrecher, K. I. & Smith, R. E. (1993) “Neutering of feral cats as an alternative to eradication programs”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 203, pp. 449-452.

Fishes and birds kept for leisure

Carter, C. G.; Purser, G. J.; Houlihan, D. F. & Thomas, P. (1996) “The effect of decreased ration on feeding hierarchies in groups of greenback flounder Rhombosolea tapirina: Teleostei)”, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 76, pp. 505-516.

Czányi, V. & Dóka, A. (1993) “Learning interactions between prey and predator fish”, Marine Behaviour and Physiology, 23, pp. 63-78.

Duncan, I. J. H. & Hawkins, P. (eds.) (2010) Welfare of domestic fowl and other captive birds, Dordrecht: Springer.

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FitzGibbon, D. (1993) “UK restriction proposals”, Ornamental Fish International Journal, 10, pp. 12-14.

Gerlach, H. (1984) “Virus disease in pet birds”, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, 14, pp. 299-316.

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Graham, D. L. (1998) “Pet birds: Historical and modern perspectives on the keeper and the kept”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 212, pp. 1216-1219.

Greaves, K. & Tuene, S. (2001) “The form and context of aggressive behaviour in farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)”, Aquaculture, 193, pp. 139-147.

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Hignette, M. (1984) “Utilisation du cyanure pour la capture des poissons tropicaux marins destinés a l’aquariologie: Methodes de diagnostic”, Oceanis, 10, pp. 585-591.

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Indrawan, M. (1999) “Live reef food fish trade in the Banggai Islands (Sulawesi, Indonesia): A case study”, SPC Live Reef Fish Trade Information Bulletin, 6, pp. 7-14.

Lima, S. L. (1998) “Predator induced stress and behaviour”, Advances in the Study of Behaviour, 27, pp. 215-290.

MacMahon, S. & Burgess, P. (2007) “Why it’s cruel to dye”, Practical Fishkeeping, 22 April.

McAllister, D. E.; Caho, N. L. & Shih, C. T. (1999) “Cyanide fisheries: Where did they start?”, SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin, 5, pp. 18-21.

Metcalfe, N. B.; Huntingford, F. A. & Thorpe, J. E. (1987) “The influence of predation risk on the feeding motivation and foraging strategy of juvenile Atlantic salmon”, Animal Behaviour, 35, pp. 901-911.

Metcalfe, N. B. & Thomson, B. C. (1995) “Fish recognize and prefer to shoal with poor competitors”, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 259, pp. 207-210.

Moberg, G. P. (1999) “When does an animal become stressed?”, Laboratory Animals, 23, pp. 22-26.

Patrak, M. L. (ed.) (1996 [1969]) Diseases of cage and aviary birds, 3rd ed., Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.

Pet, J. S. & Pet-Soede, L. (1999) “A note on cyanide fishing in Indonesia”, SPC Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin, 5, pp. 21-22.

Reavill, D. R. (2004) “Tumors of pet birds”, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 7, pp. 537-560.

Reimchen, T. E. (1994) “Predators and morphological behaviour in the threespine stickleback”, in Bell, M. A. & Foster, S. A. (eds.) The evolutionary biology of the threespine stickleback, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 207-240.

Sharpe, S. (2014) “Artificially colored aquarium fish: Death by dyeing”, Freshwater Aquariums –, November 24 [accessed on 9 January 2016].

Startup, C. M. (1970) “The diseases of cage and aviary birds (excluding the specific diseases of the budgerigar)”, in Rogers, A. & Norris, K. A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of aviculture, I, London: Blandford, pp. 46-58.

Tsai, S. S.; Park, J. H.; Hirai, K. & Itakura C. (1993) “Eye lesions in pet birds”, Avian Pathology, 22, pp. 95-112.

Van Hoek, C. S. & ten Cate, C. (1998) “Abnormal behavior in caged birds kept as pets”, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1, pp. 51-64.

Vriends, M. M. (1987) Aviaries: A complete introduction, Neptune City: TFH Publications.

Wabnitz, C.; Taylor, M.; Green, E. & Razak, T. (2003) From ocean to aquarium, Cambridge: UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, pp. 6-7.

Wallach, J. D. (1970) “Nutritional diseases of exotic animals”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 157, pp. 583-599.

Wendelaar Bonga, S. E. (1997) “The stress response in fish”, Physiological Reviews, 77, pp. 591-625.

Wolf, P.; Bayer, G.; Wendler, C. & Kamphues, J. (2009) “Mineral deficiency in pet birds”, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 80, pp. 140-146.

Wolf, P. & Kamphues, J. (2003) “Hand rearing of pet birds – Feeds, techniques and recommendations”, Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 87, pp. 122-128.