Huge numbers of bees suffer in a variety of ways from their exploitation by humans to make honey and other products. Read more
Sheeps and goats and their children, lambs and kids, are exploited for several different purposes. They are killed so they can be eaten (particularly lambs), […] Read more
The journey to the slaughterhouse is a stressful process that leads to the death of the animals adding more suffering to it. Read more
Many animals are exploited and killed for consumption. They are bred on factory farms where they suffer from terrible conditions and die painfully. Read more
To produce large quantities of meat, farms raise pigs as quickly as possible while occupying the least space. The pigs lead horrible lives. Read more
Many fishes and other aquatic animals are caught for fishing. These animals have the capacity to suffer and are deprived of their lives when killed. Read more
Many fish are bred for consumption on factory farms. On the farms they endure pain from diseases and harsh conditions that don’t consider their well being. Read more
Cows and their sons, calves and steers, are exploited for several purposes. Cows are kept for their milk, and their sons are bred to produce meat. Read more
There are many diseases suffered by animals living on land farms, which have resulted in the mass slaughter and deaths of animals. Read more
It is common to be unaware of the plight of animals in fish farms. A significant cause of the harms that can occur are the many diseases they can suffer. Read more
The type of animal exploitation that directly harms the most animals is their use for food. Read more
The lives of chickens and hens are short and full of suffering, those that are raised for their flesh and for their eggs. Male chicks on egg farms are usually ground up alive, suffocated, or drowned since only egg-bearing hens have economic value. Read more
Animal branding is a property stamp marking the stockbreeder as owner of the animal. They’re expressing the animals’ legal condition as objects. Read more